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"For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; For beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; And for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone." -Audrey Hepburn photography Pictures, Images and Photos

Saturday, April 24, 2010

40 Beauty Questions Tag

This tag video has been going around the youtube beauty community for awhile now and I have been wanting to do it. But, I know 10 minutes will not be long enough for me to answer every question so I thought it would be a great blog post!


-How many times do you wash your face daily?
I wash my face three times a day, if not more.

-What skin type do you have? (dry,oily,combo)
It's a combo of dry and oily.

-What is your current facial wash?
Arbonne's FC5 Purifying Cleanser + Toner

-Do you exfoliate?

-What brand do you use?
Arbonne :)

-What moisturizer do you use?
Arbonne's FC5 Nurturing Day Lotion and Arbonne's FC5 Moisturizing Night Cream.

-Do you have freckles?

-Do you use eye cream?
Sometimes and if I do I use the Arbonne eye cream.

-Do you or did you have acne prone skin?
No, I only have a few break outs here and there.

-Did you ever have to use Pro-activ?


-What foundation do you use?
Right now I'm not using foundation.

-How about concealer?
I use Arbonne's cream concealer.

-Do you know your undertone color?
I think it's yellow.

-What do you think of fake eyelashes?
I would like to wear them but I can never put them on right. haha

-Did you know that you are suppose to change your mascara every 3 months?
Yes I did!

-What brand of mascara do you use?

-Sephora or MAC?

-Do you have a MAC Pro-card?

-What makeup tools do you use in make up application?
Professional makeup brushes.

-Do you use make-up base/primer for the eyes?
Yep, I think it's a must!

-For the face?
Yes, but right now I'm out :(

-What is your favorite eyeshadow (color or shade)?
I like any kinda of neutral color.

-Do you use pencil or liquid eyeliner?
Pencil for the most part.

-How often do you poke your eyes with an eyeliner pencil?
I never have.

-What do you think of pigment eyeshadows?
ummm..I don't know.

-Do you use mineral makeup?

-What is your favorite lipstick?
I hate lipstick!

-How about lipgloss?
I like clear gloss

-What is your favorite blush to use?
Arbonne's flirt blush

-Do you buy your makeup on ebay?

-Do you like drugstore makeup?
Depends on the brand.

-Do you go to CCO's? (cosmetic company outlets)
I would love to go but I don't live by one.

-Did you ever consider taking make-up classes?

-Are you clumsy in putting on makeup?
No, I try to take my time and make it look great!

-Name a makeup crime that you hate?
Unblended foundation lines!!! Blend people!!!

-Do you like colorful shades of makeup (lipstick,eyeshadow) or neutral ones?
I like both.

-Which celebrity always has great make up?
I don't really follow celebritys.

-If you could leave the house using just ONE make up item,what would you use?
Pressed powder.

-Could you ever leave the house without any makeup on?
Yes, but I would wear sunglasses the whole time!

-Do you think you look good even without any makeup on?
Sometimes, it just depends on how my skin looks.

-In your opinion, what is the BEST makeup line?
I LOVE Arbonne!!

-What do you think of Makeup??
I love it :)